Neznaikin2016-09-19 14:40:24
Ruby on Rails
Neznaikin, 2016-09-19 14:40:24

"Custom Environments" to a Ruby on Rails application?

Misters, prompt to the beginner how it is possible to create "user environments"? What do I understand by this. A registered user can add (register) users from his admin panel, assign them rights of different levels (author, reviewer, content manager). Those. so that within one project you can dynamically create users and assign rights to other users.
An example is Pivotal Tracker. Here you can add users to each project, limit their rights. We need some kind of faded semblance.

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2 answer(s)
Anton Kostin, 2016-09-20

I’m not sure if I understood everything correctly, what you need in the end, but you can implement it as follows:
If you want to bother and write your own authorization, then how to do it from scratch is well described here:
If you are too lazy, then you can use the devise gem ( https://github.com/plataformatec/devise) and, when creating a model, add an additional "role" field to it.
Accordingly, further create the model "Right".
Create a has_and_belongs_to_many relation
For example, your project opens immediately in the edit template

=form_for @project do |f|
какой-то код
  =f.collection_select(:permission_ids, Permission.all, :id, :permission_title, {include_blank: false, :include_hidden => false, :selected => @project.permissions.map(&:id)}, { class: 'тут какой-то css', :multiple => true})

If you need to restrict access rights only for this project, then add the project_id field to the UserPermission model
and in the form code
=form_for @project do |f|
какой-то код
  =f.collection_select(:permission_ids, Permission.all, :id, :permission_title, {include_blank: false, :include_hidden => false, :selected => @project.permissions.map(&:id)}, { class: 'тут какой-то css', :multiple => true})
  =f.fields_for :user_permission do |s|
    =s.hidden_field :project_id, value: @project.id

The code was written out of my head, plus I'm not entirely sure that I fully understood the problem, so please do not lynch if not 100% everything is right.

Z0nd0R, 2016-09-28

Apparently we are talking about a bunch of gems Devise (authorization) and CanCanCan (privilege management)

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