Leonid Fedotov2015-02-01 20:26:51
Leonid Fedotov, 2015-02-01 20:26:51

CSS not loading. Why?

On the page, using JS, scripts and styles are added to the head of the page. Adding a tag is trivial - a tag is created, attributes are added to it, the tag is placed in the head and the browser loads the script / styles and immediately applies it all. As each script/style is loaded, the next one is loaded, and so on. It works. On desktop browsers a la Chrome, Firefox, IE and on mobile platforms (tested on Safari/Chrome iOS 8). The page is fully tailored for different types of devices with different page sizes, and it is also supposed to be compatible with all browsers with HTML5 support. But, when it came time to check the performance on older devices, problems began. On iOS5.1, Safari and Chrome fail the script. In the logs, it turned out that browsers stop when trying to load CSS. I understand there is some problem in adding a new attribute to the head? Or is the onreadystate event not firing? Scripts are loaded absolutely normally in the same way.

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2015-02-01

First, try adding scripts and styles not through JS, but manually - will it work out in iOS?

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