Pavel Konchich2021-07-25 17:12:07
Pavel Konchich, 2021-07-25 17:12:07

Create child pages via laravel 8 admin panel?

Now I am writing a test blog for myself, with an admin panel and everything is as it should be. At this stage, I want to implement the creation of pages (already done) and subpages for them.

The problem is that I don't quite understand how to properly write the database structure and logic for subpages. Do I need to create a separate migration or are there other ways?

Please tell me - how to properly organize routing through controllers, let's say for such things

Route::get('/{page-slug}', 'website\PageController');
Route::get('/{page-slug}/{sub-page-slug}', 'website\PageController');

And now here is my migration scheme for the Pages table

public function up()
Schema::create('pages', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->string('url' )->unique();

What needs to be changed here and is it necessary at all? If necessary - I will reset the controller code for the admin panel - a controller resource for creating a page!

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1 answer(s)
Peter Slobodyanyuk, 2021-07-25

First, add a parent_id (nullable, default null, links to pages->id) column to the pages table.
Second, in the Page model, set up links to pages (HasMany).
Regarding routes, one solution is URL parsing.

// routes/web.php в самом конце
Route::get('{slug}', '[email protected]')->where('slug', '([0-9A-Za-z-/]+)');

// прикладываю один из своих рабочих вариантов. тут парсятся не только страницы, но и категории (с мультивложенностью), продукты
// app/http/controllers/controller.php
public function parse(Request $request) {
        $urlArray = explode('/', $request->path());

        if (count($urlArray) === 1) {
            $page = Page::where('slug', $urlArray[0])->first();
            if (!empty($page)) {
                return (new PageController)->show($page);

            $category = Category::where('slug', $urlArray[0])->where('parent_id', 1)->first();
            if (!empty($category)) {
                return (new CategoryController)->show($request, (new ProductFilters($request)), $urlArray[0]);
        } else {
            $parentCategory = NULL;
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($urlArray as $urlArrayItem) {
                $lastStep = $i === count($urlArray);

                $category = Category::where('slug', $urlArrayItem);
                if (is_null($parentCategory)) {
                    $category->where('parent_id', 1);
                } else {
                    $category->where('parent_id', $parentCategory->id);

                if (empty($category->first())) {
                    if ($lastStep) {
                        $product = $parentCategory->products()->where('slug', $urlArrayItem)->active()->first();
                        if (!empty($product)) {
                            return (new ProductController)->show($urlArrayItem);

                } else {
                    if ($lastStep) {
                        return (new CategoryController)->show($request, (new ProductFilters($request)), $urlArrayItem);

                    $parentCategory = $category->first();



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