iMahach2015-05-02 22:36:51
iMahach, 2015-05-02 22:36:51

Create Android Chat?

Hello. I have been programming for Android for about a year. After creating several dozen useless and useless applications, I decided to create something really big. I thought and thought and decided to create a chat where you can send messages and pictures (no more). I want to create purely for the sake of practice. Why and for what - is another question. What libraries / technologies are needed to create a chat with the functionality described above? And, if possible, please describe how the chat works. Thank you for your attention.

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin Berkov, 2015-05-02

First, decide how messages will be exchanged, through a server or directly between devices. If you decide to send messages to the server, and then to the user, you need to implement communication with the server, perhaps a simple API even without SSL. In short, to work with the network it is better not to write a bicycle and use ready-made popular solutions: OkHttp , Retrofit or look towards Volley . In the latter case, take care of loading images right away, otherwise use Picasso , or UIL. Next, you need to learn how to organize the procedure for entering / exiting and registering in the application and actually receiving / sending messages, well, this is not a difficult task that requires basic knowledge of Activity and Fragment, and of standard widgets.

belozerow, 2015-05-03

XMPP + push?

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