Bob2015-07-31 09:12:40
Apache Cordova
Bob, 2015-07-31 09:12:40

Cordova + FileTransfer - how to download a file from a server to a mobile device?

Good day everyone!
I'm using: Cordova 5.1.1 + FileTransfer plugin
I'm trying to upload a file (JPG image) from a remote server to the phone's memory. The code below works, it does not return an error, but it does not load the file either. What could be the problem? Searched all over the internet but didn't find a solution.

// URL картинки
var assetURL = encodeURI( "http://mysite.com/somefile.jpg" );
// имя файла, которое мы ему присвоим
var fileName = "gamebackground.jpg";
// получаем путь каталога для файлов приложения
var store = cordova.file.dataDirectory;
// проверяем наличие файла в папке. Если нет, запускаем download
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL( store + fileName, onSuccess, download );
function onSuccess() {
  alert( "Already downloaded!" );
function download() {
  var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
  fileTransfer.download( assetURL, store + fileName, function( entry ) {
    alert( "Download complete!" );
  }, function( err ) {
    alert( "Error "+ err );
  } );

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