Alexander Bizikov2010-09-26 19:57:37
Google Chrome
Alexander Bizikov, 2010-09-26 19:57:37

Consequences of installing Chromius on a flash drive?

Back in the summer, I decided to try out Chrome OS, put it on a Transcend 4Gb JF V60 flash drive.
I did everything right, using one utility, I wrote the image to a USB flash drive, then rebooted. But the download failed, there was some kind of error. I don't remember what's there.
After I decided to format the flash drive - I formatted it. And that's it. She disappeared.
On other computers, it works fine, namely, on my Acer eMachines e625 laptop, it does not see it.
I'm waiting for advice, because the semester has begun and the flash drive is very necessary!

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Bizikov, 2010-09-26

Hooray! Everything worked out! artemlight was right! Assigned a letter to the flash drive and it all worked! Turns out it was stupid. And there was so much without a flash drive.
artemlight - thanks, keep the plus in karma!

DNS_Connect, 2010-09-26


Sufiks Sufiksovich, 2010-09-26

Try reformatting the flash drive with HPUSBDisk.
And here are described ways to resuscitate a flash card www.datalabs.ru/pages/flash_fix/70
At one time my flash drive was buggy when formatting FAT32, I stopped formatting with Windows and installed HPUSBDisk - the program allows you to format in NTFS. After formatting to NTFS, the glitches disappeared.
Then please write whether it was possible to restore the flash drive.

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