maleksandr2011-05-27 12:16:44
maleksandr, 2011-05-27 12:16:44

config for HTPC?

I wanted to assemble a machine for viewing / listening to all kinds of entertainment content and a little surfing. Few games, but not very cool. HDMI is needed.
I look at the systems on the Atom. What do you think? pull?
Is the i5 worth considering?
Budget: 8-10 thousand rubles
I want to assemble it in some kind of horizontal case - it will successfully fit into the cabinet instead of a dvd player.
There were thoughts of assembling a case from a VCR (there was a solution on Habré) or in a case from a music center (my madness).

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2 answer(s)
socialNoob, 2011-05-27

Consider market.yandex.ru/model.xml?modelid=6387368&hid=91020
as a base. The processor and case can be selected based on your own preferences.

maleksandr, 2011-05-27

Thank you! Interesting motherboard!

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