v- death2015-10-28 13:56:20
v- death, 2015-10-28 13:56:20

Code documentation. Am I doing the right thing?

Hello. Near the router path I make a command with a detailed description.
There are two questions.
Is it worth it to do so?
Am I documenting clearly?

              отвечает за добавление нового человека в базу
                  "login" : "%login%",
                      "email" : "%email%",
                  "pass"  : "%pass%"
                %login% - логин добавляемого человека.
                %email% - email человека
                %pass%  - password человека

                          "operation"          : "true//false",
                          "operation_messages" : "%description%"
                      operation  -> true  - операция выполнена успешно
                                 -> false - произошла ошибка
                        operation_messages -> operation  -> true  -> "Ok"
                                           -> operation  -> false -> "Error description"

  router.GET("/reg.Auth/:json", auth.Create)

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1 answer(s)
Dokuro, 2015-10-28

I don't like documented code. If the code is written well and the person who reads it is not stupid, everything is clear.
Yes, and somehow the documented code does not look nice, I really don’t like it)
Although this is my personal opinion.

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