Sergey Alekseev2018-08-04 07:13:44
Sergey Alekseev, 2018-08-04 07:13:44

Cocos2d js how to do similar?

First you need to draw something like a chessboard (that is, a square consisting of white and black cells)
Then fill it with random chips of different colors.
As I understand it, you need to create a container, then go through it and draw each cell. Do you know examples of this?

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1 answer(s)
Draek Nelson, 2018-08-04

As far as I understand, the task is simple, you compose a two-dimensional array (matrix) of the required size, in which each subsequent element will be of a different color from the previous cells and simultaneously put a chip of the desired type into the cell. it is logical to fill the matrix with a hashmap or an analogue, such as a dictionary or an associative array, and indicate the color of the cell and the cell there.

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