Nick V2015-10-25 22:53:44
Nick V, 2015-10-25 22:53:44

cjsx syntax highlighting in WebStorm?

And hello again. Found here such solution for support of CJSX syntax in WebStorm'e.
I'm downloading the archive. I unpack it. I put the folder in the directory with WebStorm. Then I follow these instructions .

  1. I download the archive and unpack it.
  2. I move the folder to the directory with WebStorm.
  3. In the IDE settings I find TextMate Bundles and add the folder
  4. In File Types I find CoffeeScript and add *.cjsx to it

Expectation 973d91e7afef4296b86bc4ac605dac3a.png
Reality b8f9a7777963447a8843f1193513fcdd.jpeg

Help set up correctly.

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1 answer(s)
Nick V, 2015-10-26

I solved the problem a little differently (through Gulp). So, we won't need the above plugin. We do it differently.
I have a bunch of Meteor + React, so I do it like this:
Next, we write the code in coffeescript, and frame the markup in `<markup>` backticks . What it looks like:

@Home = React.createClass
  displayName: 'Home'
  render: ->
    <div className="main">
      <nav className="nav">
          <li><a href=""></a></li>

What does task do? It finds all files with *.cjsx extension, removes backticks from them, compiles them to *.js using 'gulp-cjsx' and puts them in the same directory.
The output is this file
this.Home = React.createClass({
  displayName: 'Home',
  render: function() {
    return React.createElement("div", {
      "className": "main"
    }, React.createElement("nav", {
      "className": "nav"
    }, React.createElement("ul", null, React.createElement("li", null, React.createElement("a", {
      "href": ""

Why is it necessary to frame markup in backticks? Then the file is not underlined in red and emmet works between them.
Something like that.

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