Vadim Choporov2016-01-26 12:42:50
Domain Name System
Vadim Choporov, 2016-01-26 12:42:50

Cisco, I can't figure out what's wrong with PBR?

Good afternoon.
Maybe someone will tell you which way to dig.
I have a Cisco 2921 router (IOS Version 15.4(3)M). There is a connection to 2 providers (2 channels work in parallel, parse per-destination traffic, hang on 1 physical port with subs). There is a local area network, and guest WiFi are different vlans. There is a need for traffic from the WiFi network to go through only one provider. I'm trying to make a routemap, in which I specify the next hop for all ip calls from the WiFi network, the ip address of the router interface, with the provider I need. And here comes the problem:
In the wifi network, DNS stops working - there are pings by ip, but dns names cannot be resolved either from hosts on the network or from the access points themselves. But on the other hand, from the sub-interface, into which the router's WiFi network is plugged, everything goes fine both by ip and by dns names. The DNS is registered the same on the march, and on the WiFi points, and for the DHTsP at the WiFi points.
Can someone tell me in which direction to look at all, I can not figure out what could be wrong?
Thank you)

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1 answer(s)
Vadim Choporov, 2016-01-26

The problem was that I next-hop wrote the ip-address of the provider's interface in the routemap. After the substitution in the routemap instead - match interface "interface name", everything went correctly. So far, I didn’t really understand the reason why it didn’t work according to the scheme with the address, if someone tells me, I would be grateful))

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