deeankin2014-03-29 12:49:55
deeankin, 2014-03-29 12:49:55

Chromebook Pavillion - how to install Ubuntu?

https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton - I tried installing through this script, but Russification of Ubuntu failed after that.
+ The image of ubunta comes without pre-installed software - this is a fatal problem for me.
How to install full ubuntu image on chromebook? Someone faced?

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2 answer(s)
Ruslan Tovmasyan, 2014-03-29

As on a regular computer, you write a boot image to a USB flash drive, boot, install.

ssclock, 2014-12-23

Let the question be old, but as an HP Chromebook 14 user I will briefly describe. If anyone stumbles, that will be useful.
1) Flash the SeaBIOS beech for Chromebooks (see Google) - optional, but desirable.
2) Install Ubuntu as usual
3) Manually install the latest kernel (it has all the patches)
4) If something doesn't work, it's best to smoke the ArchLinux wiki, plus look for targeted manuals for debian distros for a specific model

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