@atoro2021-07-18 12:01:33
@atoro, 2021-07-18 12:01:33

Choosing a phone for Android development?

I’m leaving military programming for commercial programming in the fall, and so far, mostly remote options are looming. Prior to that, due to the specifics, I wrote exclusively for devices that were laid out on the table in front of me and, in principle, there were no compatibility issues. The situation is aggravated by the fact that I am not a very media-dependent person and still use Kitkat 4.4 in everyday life. Now I've been googling for two hours and settled on 3 versions of Samsunga: A12, M12 and A22.
Consumer qualities in terms of personal use, in principle, do not interest me, especially since the battery is the same for everyone. Therefore, of course, I would take the A12, but I really don’t want to be in a situation where you need to make some feature typical for 2021, and you can only run it on the emulator, because the phone does not support it. In fact, I would like to hear from people experienced in remote commercial production what is better to take and in what price range?

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3 answer(s)
Developer, 2021-07-18

The situation is aggravated by the fact that I am not a very media-dependent person and still use Kitkat 4.4 in everyday life

What does "media addiction" have to do with it if you decide to write for Android?
If you haven't figured it out yet, then in commercial development you will have to write code for the requirements of the customer, and not for your own.
In fact, I would like to hear from people experienced in remote commercial production what is better to take and in what price range?

As a person with experience, I inform you that you must have dozens of different devices. You can ask them in the testing department.
Samsung and other Xiaomi cannot be taken. You need to take only pure android - Google Pixel will help you.

Vasily Bannikov, 2021-07-18

Kmk, there is not much sense in a physical device for a developer.
An emulator will suffice for development.
If you work in an office, you probably already have all the modern devices there.
If you work separately, then take a pixel.

foonfyrick, 2021-07-18

I advise you to use the emulator, its price is 0r. you put system of any version and you work.
Personally, it seemed inconvenient to me to use a smartphone, look at the screen, then at the smartphone, back and forth, it’s easier when everything is on one screen, you don’t have to take your hands off the keyboard.

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