mmZX2013-11-14 10:12:52
mmZX, 2013-11-14 10:12:52

Child and programming

My daughter is 4 months old, I plan to learn to code in Java in the future. In fact, the child is a blank slate, you can teach everything, can you advise something from promising and well-established programming languages?

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11 answer(s)
Masterme, 2013-11-14

You are fucking

lfway, 2013-11-14

4 months just right. You can start learning the built-in types and operators.

- Daughter, say "charm" (int, fore, doo, etc.)

Then you can move on to something more difficult. Mom speaks to the child in Python, dad - in C ++.

By the age of 5 there will be a true programmer.

Denis Shchetinin, 2013-11-14

eToys [ http://www.squeakland.org/] is just amazing!

Scratch [ http://scratch.mit.edu/] - I used the old version, which was still on Smalltalk; now rewritten in Java and works directly in the browser. I liked the Smalltalk version more (there you can see how everything is arranged inside, at the same time you can learn something yourself)

Alice [ http://www.alice.org/index.php] — I don't know much about her… once upon a time in Squeak there was a 3D graphics project of the same name, maybe "legs grow out of it". But the idea itself is interesting.

If you teach the language, then I would not cripple people with a toad from childhood. I myself have not seen anything better than Smalltalk (which was created for children) for this at the moment. With him, I would first of all look towards http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/botsinc

If you are looking for something else, you can start here [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_educational_programming_languages]. Well, Google to the rescue - a lot of interesting links are given to the banal "children programming".

Ten, 2013-11-14

4 months? Isn't it early? I bought my first radio-controlled helicopter at the age of 4 months ... and then it turned out that I was in a hurry :))

And if, in fact, the question should sound like "how to interest a child?" .. Well, then you will pick up the instrument. Years 6-8 You should not bother with this topic, verified.

The main thing is the health of your daughter! :)

Frink, 2013-11-14

Well, in any case, it's too early for her to read books on programming at night, instead of fairy tales =)

And so, you can not immediately learn how to program, but start with something that develops logic (now there are probably a lot of such games, but 4 months ...). Here, after all, the main thing is not to go too far, or even she will never have a desire to program =)

Katya, 2013-11-14

What was it called?

Reexel, 2013-11-14

I am doing a project to teach children. But there since 10 years. I think 4 months is too early. But I'm glad you're already thinking about it. When planning the life of children, consider that you realize your desires, what you want. It is important to understand that the child is not you, and he may have his own preferences and dreams :)

afiskon, 2014-01-03

"My daughter is 4 months old, I plan to learn to code in Java in the future"
I do not advise. She will grow up and take revenge.

vacuumn, 2013-11-14

Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents

Vadim Drobinin, 2013-11-15

Don't be so hasty. Give your child the opportunity to grow up, learn the basics of mathematics (and what programming can be without mathematics?), send the sixth grade to some computer school for a month (for example, lksh.ru) and see if your daughter has a desire to write all the code the rest of your life.

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