yeputons2011-04-06 22:25:36
yeputons, 2011-04-06 22:25:36

Case for iPad 2 (not SmartCover) - is it necessary and where (USA)?

There is an idea to purchase an iPad 2. A cover, it seems to me, is needed, and the question arises: the standard SmartCover protects only the screen, while the back panel remains “as is”. Does this very panel scratch on this device (or the first iPad), and if so, what cover (cases) do you recommend and where you can buy them. After a while I will be in the USA, so this option is also being considered.

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2 answer(s)
Roman, 2011-04-06

Everything can be scratched. But with careful handling, there will be no scratches or there will be few and they will be small and not noticeable if you do not look at them. But the screen needs to be protected, and SmartCover is enough for this.

VereVa, 2011-04-07

If you're going to carry it in your bag, it's definitely worth it!
I would suggest looking on ebay

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