Dani2021-02-10 19:46:36
Command line
Dani, 2021-02-10 19:46:36

Can't grep on a MasOS terminal?

I just started to learn the command line, I stumbled with the grep search command.
Either nothing is searched, or a process is started that lasts indefinitely.

The screenshot shows an example of a file search, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

It is also not entirely clear how to use the find command and what is the difference with grep.

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13 answer(s)
DevMan, 2021-02-10
W @Dany_W

grep - filtering.
find - search.
they can be combined together, and can be used separately.
you have a total misunderstanding of what's what. you should start with the basics.

sim3x, 2017-09-07

1. Do I need layout and js for Java? If so, how deep should knowledge be?
For javascript - a good level of layout is needed
For java - not needed
2. I sort of figured out what the backend and frontend are. But still. Can someone explain in an accessible language the difference between them, what languages ​​\u200b\u200band they are and what would be good to know in addition to this?
front - executed in the browser. PL -javascript
Backend - executed on the server
3. And what language should you start learning from?
From anyone, preferably from English

Froggyweb, 2017-09-07

I consulted with a familiar developer, he told me that js and java do not touch each other and in general this is nonsense about this volume where I went. Here I finally sailed.

pay a friend $100 let him tell you over a beer what the backend and frontend do, how the applications are arranged and how the server works in general, and the client will then decide in more detail where to go to make pop-up windows and jumping icons (exaggeratedly) or deal with databases, OOP, etc. incomprehensible things. Well, then study the desired area.
Choosing a programming language and a profession based on Google queries is not smart even for a blonde.

Igor Nikolaev, 2017-09-07

Better start with Python. The entry threshold is not high, the language is simple, and the scope is very extensive.

ThunderCat, 2017-09-07

I have a friend, at about your age he rushed from managers to programmers, and this is with a medical education. I finished Java courses, pushed around for a year without work, as a result I got a job in some kind of office, slowly growing. Satisfied.
Regarding your case - the stack is a bit strange, the full stack is usually referred to as web development, where Java as a backend language, let's say, is not in the first places. More other technologies are in demand on the web, such as PHP, NodeJS, Pyton, RubyOnRails. Java, as it were, is somewhere very far behind them, a rare bird, its segment is desktop, corporate segment, ACS.
PS: Sori, reading the text typed in such a barbaric style is a real HELL, I dared to correct the question in the grammatical aspect.

tema_sun, 2017-09-08

My motivation is modernity, development, the possibility of freelancing, the constant practice of a foreign language, salary and all other pluses that are not in my present time.

Your motivation does not have the most important thing - it is very interesting for you and you cannot live without it. Development is a very tedious and annoying activity. Gotta love this stuff.

D3lphi, 2017-09-07

1. Do I need layout and js for Java? If so, how deep should knowledge be?

In general, js needs to know animate, even if you are writing a backend. The basics of layout are also required.
Backend - server side of the project. Written in Ruby, PHP, Python, Java, Go, JavaScript(nodeJS), C#. In general, it can be written in almost any language. The question is convenience, speed of development and code support.
Frontend - the client side of the application. It includes markup, styles, javascript logic.
If you plan to develop into web development, then first we will learn the basics of layout and javascript (also at least the basics), and then you can go to the backend (And later, generally become a full stack developer. This is someone who can do both into that).
Which language to start with is up to you and only you. I will not impose my opinion on you, because it is biased (Guess in favor of which language? :) ).

User23, 2017-09-07

determine which one you want to create, if the web starts with html css and then you will figure it out.

Ptolemy_master, 2017-09-08

You have a strange approach and a strange motivation. Still, you should go into programming only if you are really attracted to working with a computer and writing programs. You also need to understand that working as a programmer is a lot of routine work, with a lot of complex tasks, an incredible amount of information that needs to be digested in the shortest possible time. That is, you must have a love for learning everything new, a quick mind, diligence, as well as stamina and an iron will.
If you have all this, decide which area you like the most, where you would like to start studying IT - maybe you like games? computer graphics? or work with data? maybe you are interested in the web? That's what you like the most, start googling what languages ​​are used, get some programming books from the library, read them, do all the assignments, and if you're still full of desire to move on, take some free courses, study general theory of information, data structures, and so on, and by that time you will already have an idea where to go next.

Dmitry, 2017-09-08

It's never too late to start! But I advise you to start with Python, most likely you will like it and you will use it ... Moreover, in many modern technologies, Python is very popular and cool!
Start with general programming questions, and then choose what is more interesting: mobile technologies, web, databases, enterprise programming, etc.

Frel, 2017-09-08

Start learning English, and then learn all sorts of yapi! It will be much easier!!!

Timur Malikin, 2017-09-14

Personally, I became a programmer thanks to https://hexlet.io
Very friendly slack community, super approach to learning, and the price is very low. Plus many free courses. I advise!

Dmitry Pacification, 2017-09-14

Do you need a programming language? Or maybe you want to become a system administrator? A telecommunication engineer, if transferred to IT, I personally associate with a person who sets up the Internet for everyone, knows how Internet communication lines, data transfer protocols are arranged, knows how to set up servers, and work with Linux.
In addition to programmers in IT (information technology), there are a bunch of other specialties. For example, the same SEO (although this is more in the direction of Internet marketing). Testers, after all.
Here is an infographic, an article and a link to the HTML Academy for you.
https://htmlacademy.ru/courses/ welcome
Feel the HTML, you might like the layout.
Well, here are a couple of tests for self-determination in IT (ATTENTION! none of the tests will give a 100% correct answer, but it will help you choose options that you might be interested in)
https:// moeobrazovanie.ru/testy_na_vybor_professii...
UPD : By the way, there are project managers. Also IT, but do not program. Where to move in IT depends more on your psychological portrait. Introvert or extrovert. People and communications, or computers with 0s and 1s. There are also architects, analysts, designers .... yes, a whole bunch of all sorts of specialties.

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