VladikPL2020-06-19 21:16:38
VladikPL, 2020-06-19 21:16:38

Can't find stylesheet in Wordpress?

I want to change the style of Slyder. But the path to the settings is in an unusual file, here is the path to it


A file with that name could not be found. There is a suspicion that the creators of the template somehow hid it so that amateurs would not break their creation too much. But at the moment I want to test the template before buying. Does anyone know where I can find it?

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-06-20



What file format are you looking for? According to the url above, there is a certain GET request with the customize_changeset_uuid parameter and with the c54b3323-1bae-42e3-9f70-be04dd615c81UUID value this is a unique identifier.
The WP style file is always the same and it lies in wp-content/themes/ваша_тема/style.css
In your case -

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