SKRSKR2016-09-27 16:55:19
SKRSKR, 2016-09-27 16:55:19

Can I sue a forum in TOR?

I was banned on the forum, and I had $ 2600 in bitcoins on my account there, is it possible to somehow write a statement on them, or somehow influence them in some other way so that they return the money to me? Something like a platform like Avito only on a different topic. The forum is located in TOR (.ononim) and in Mexico server (not sure exactly).

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2016-09-27

You can't sue the darknet - laws don't apply there.
Contact the administration to get started.

Rou1997, 2016-09-27

Serve, especially since you are not white, you were burned along with the motherboard after the fire.

di23, 2016-09-27

In "muddy" stories, they don't sue. And they solve questions in the same "cloudy" way.

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