kostya_smith2015-12-17 03:04:41
Video cards
kostya_smith, 2015-12-17 03:04:41

Can I put a PCI-Express x16 2.0 video card on a PCI-Express x16 non-2.0 motherboard? And what's the difference between 2.0 and above?

My brother has an Asus M2N-X motherboard and an Asus 8600GT video card. Vidyukha is already full of artifacts, the brother refused to warm up and said that it was better to take something else.
The choice fell on the Gainward PCI-Ex GeForce GT 610. But when reading the specifications, we saw that the PCI-Express x16 2.0 bus. Googling, we did not get a sensible answer what the difference is. So I'm trying to figure out what's the difference? Since in his old motherboard there is still 1.0. Therefore, I’m interested, can I put it and what is the difference in general?
I think the question is not very relevant on the Internet, but still. I will be grateful.

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1 answer(s)
Nazar Mokrinsky, 2015-12-17

PCIe x16 2.0 or 3.0 will just run a little slower than it could on a newer motherboard. It will work when you change the motherboard, it will work a little faster. Moreover, the card is not very powerful, I do not think that 1.0 will greatly cut off performance.

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