Mask942017-09-25 19:17:16
Mask94, 2017-09-25 19:17:16

Can I get a patent and do I need it at all?

Let's say I have an idea to modify the chocolate machine, and at the same time its function will be preserved, it also works in the food industry, but I will change it so that it can now take a chocolate bar for storage and automatically send it to your refrigerator. So, can I get a patent for this technology? After all, no other machines with chocolates do this yet. And if not, how can I be sure that at some exhibition or just a partner with whom we do not get along at the stage of creation will not do the same, stealing my idea? On the other hand, the question is - if every idea can be patented, then why do Apple and Sams borrow ideas from each other? This is a purely hypothetical question. What chance did Uber have that one of the giants would pay attention to a small application in time and create their own copy?

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2 answer(s)
oh, 2017-09-25
well @AnneSmith

patenting goes by country and region, that is, if you patent it in one country, then it will not work in another

Andrew, 2017-09-25

I'll just leave it here: https://habrahabr.ru/post/288440/

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