Anim8262020-12-08 16:19:33
Anim826, 2020-12-08 16:19:33

Can gulp attach to Angular/React/Vue?

If I'm not mistaken, they are all in JS, so I wanted to start teaching one of these 3 and wanted to know if it was possible to connect it to them, and which one would you advise to learn

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2 answer(s)
approximate solution, 2020-12-08


If I'm not mistaken, they are all in JS

If you already have doubts at this place, then first you need to start with JS, and after a year already deal with tight tooling. Alya gulp, webpack, framework pool
But first, read the article and deal with such questions as -
What tasks does the framework solve?
What tasks does gulp solve?
What tasks does webpack solve?

Sergey delphinpro, 2020-12-08

Gulp is not needed here.
They come with their own already configured assemblers.
Speaking of Vue, it's the vue ui interface.
Run it from the console, the control panel opens in the browser. There, select the options you need and create a project with a ready-made configuration.

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