vikS2013-06-12 18:24:06
vikS, 2013-06-12 18:24:06

Can anyone tell me if there is a utility that converts images to different screens of Android devices?

I am developing an android application, but I really don’t want to pore over each picture for a long time so that it is displayed equally well on all screens. I'm not the only lazy one, right? There must be a utility that performs the function of scaling bitmaps for various screens of android devices. Thanks in advance to everyone who will respond.

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4 answer(s)
Edward, 2013-06-13

if I understood you correctly

Hitory, 2013-06-12

Usually 9patch is used (http://developer.android.com/tools/help/draw9patch.html), which allows you to stretch images to fit the desired area.

StanKo, 2014-05-12

If we talk about, say, pictures, then there is no simple salvation.
For example, what size picture do not make and do not shove in hdpi / xhdpi, etc., but it will not look the same on screens with a resolution of 800x480 (the most common, especially for Samsung) and 640x960 (for example Meizu MX) / 1080x720 (for example HTC Rezound) , because The aspect ratio of these screens is different (1.6(6) and 1.5). No matter how you scale it, it will either stretch it in width or height (fitXY), or you will have to “zoom in” with loss of edges (cropCenter). Those. just a tool that automates resizing for dpi is not enough, you need to find a compromise with the ImageView scaling type.
In addition, it should be remembered that for a bucket of pictures, like a red rag for a bull, you can very quickly achieve OOM (Out of memory error). Therefore, I advise you to initially lower the pictures in resolution, for example, for hdpi, use pictures no larger than 640x380, "finishing off" by stretching.

agamov, 2014-12-01

Most likely you need Cut&Slice

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