ddraksha2015-06-10 17:27:56
Neural networks
ddraksha, 2015-06-10 17:27:56

Can anyone clearly explain what a hierarchical time sequence of physical quantities is?

I heard the idea that a neural network that processes such sequences will learn very quickly and can be used for any task with almost no additional training.

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1 answer(s)
Mrrl, 2015-06-10

Apparently, a hierarchical sequence is a sequence of sequences of sequences... Since it is temporal, it means that each of its members corresponds to some moment of the past or future, it is a sequence itself, which means that a new branch of history grows from it, etc. Thus, the hierarchical sequence describes the change in the physical quantity in the branching Universe (from Everett's theory of multiple worlds). Perhaps a network capable of processing such sequences really needs to learn quickly. A sort of quantum neural network, which, according to Penrose, is our brain. Perhaps this is the missing link on the path to artificial intelligence.

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