@Insout2017-10-07 13:48:42
@Insout, 2017-10-07 13:48:42

Calling methods from view is shit code?

There is a certain object, users are attached to this object, let's say this object is a task, and users are performers.
In view, in addition to the content of the task itself, it is necessary to display all users who are attached to this task.
Calling a function from a view is normal, or is it necessary to prepare an array of users in advance and simply loop it into the view?

<?php foreach ($model->relUsers as $t) : ?>
        <span><?= User::getById($t,'name') ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>

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6 answer(s)
Kirill Mokevnin, 2017-10-07

Functions are different.
Key concepts:
1. Idempotency.
1. Pure function.
1. Side effects.
1. Determinacy
So, in view, ideally, only pure functions should be called or, at worst, functions without side effects.
In your request to the database, this is a side effect, it is better to do this in the controller, and pass data to the view.
But in fact, your code is also an anti-pattern, the so-called `select N + 1` problem. Loop requests are evil. You are not using the database or the capabilities of your ORM (if that is the one).

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-10-07

The error is that $model->relUsersit must be a relationship that returns an array of models. And then everything will be fine:

<?php foreach ($model->relUsers as $t) : ?>
        <span><?= $t->username ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>

So I suspect that there is an architecture error. You store a list of id's in a row, and there should be a separate table for that:
id | model_id | user_id
and hasMany relationship in the model with user models, through this base.

Alexander Sisyukin, 2017-10-07

Normally, if necessary, for example, the same twig allows the addition of user-defined functions.
In your example, I would just prepare the desired array and output it

mitaichik, 2017-10-07

It will be correct to make a relay, something like $task->executors.
Surely you are using an intermediate table (I understand that relUsers is it). In this case, the relay must be done using the via method.
And I would not do relaying for intermediate tables (relUsers), since this is a purely technical necessity for linking these two entities in relational databases.

ThunderCat, 2017-10-07

Sets of elements are prepared in the controller and passed to the view, where they are only iterated.

<?php foreach ($model->relUsers as $t) : ?>
        <span><?= User::getById($t,'name') ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Here, in addition to the fact that your requests go directly in the course of content output (hello from 2000), so instead of one user selection request, you select them one at a time, EACH, CARL! And if there are 300 users (or 3000) on the page, this is not buzzing at all. That's what collections are for.

Alexander Urich, 2017-10-13

View - that's why it's called view (display), which should only display.
You need to receive data in the controller.
The maximum amount that is possible in the view - conditions, such as if the array with data is empty, display an error, otherwise the data

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