supertoliq2016-08-20 10:35:34
supertoliq, 2016-08-20 10:35:34

Calendar, how to solve the problem with the transition between months?

when switching months, from September to October, it flips to August (the current month). as if the 10th of the month (October does not exist at all). If you follow the links for 11.12 months, everything is fine, but from 10 it redirects to 9.
You can visually check the link below
If there was a problem in the code, then it would hardly be at all moved between months. And so you can easily go to the past months and back

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2016-08-20

Request URL: http://www.mpatrol.ru/events/2016/10/
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 302 Found
Location: http://www.mpatrol.ru/events/2016/08/

This is your server redirecting from October to August. Understand why this is happening, we can not help, unfortunately.

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