Arx7772016-01-20 13:54:14
Arx777, 2016-01-20 13:54:14

Cakephp3 admin plugins?

Are there ready-made admin plugins for cakephp3 installed via composer?
Own searches were not crowned with particular success.

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2 answer(s)
shell_execute, 2016-01-21

You should take a look at the repository maintained by the CakePHP developer, awesome-cakephp .
A few links from this repository:
Users plugin
CakeManager plugin
Dashboard plugin

vamshop, 2018-11-21

Everything is installed with the composer package, and the engine itself and cakephp and modules for the engine.
Like this:
composer create-project vamshop/vamshop-app ./
and install it in the console (or open it in a browser):
bin/cake Vamshop/Install.install

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