Maxim Grechushnikov2016-04-23 01:29:13
Maxim Grechushnikov, 2016-04-23 01:29:13

CakePHP: beforeValidate is not called. For what reason?

There is a project. Everything worked. Asked to add a new field. Added in the form and in the database. I did not touch the controller and model code.
The fields are being filled. But I got a strange error.
in the beforeValidate method of the model I need, there is the generation of the slug attribute. and it stopped generating. by poke came to

public function beforeValidate($options = array()) {die('<pre>'.print_r(array(__FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, __CLASS__),true));

and it turned out neither when creating nor updating the record, this method is called.
I myself have been working in Yii for many years, I understand how it works. But I can't figure out why this is happening. Maybe I don't know what? Maybe something needs to be written somewhere? maybe there are some internal logs?

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2 answer(s)
mordawar, 2016-04-24

Make sure you do save with validation. Otherwise, the beforeValidate method is simply not called.

mitaichik, 2016-04-23

There are many options - install XDebug and see what happens. This is more professional than the poke method.
Perhaps you have overridden the save method?

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