crescent2018-03-19 11:21:26
C++ / C#
crescent, 2018-03-19 11:21:26

C# listview reacts incorrectly on click?

There is a listview on the windows form
When the button "3" is clicked, the form performs some action
But if there is a SelectedItem in the ListView, then it will start changing (changing to the next one)
I guess this is the default behavior of the listview
How can I disable it?

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1 answer(s)
#, 2018-03-19

code on "button 3" to the studio!... otherwise the conversation is about nothing
ps and the word

the form
you can definitely consider it a hint that you are using WinForms, not WPF, or UWP .. otherwise there will be
pps everywhere, and then all of a sudden Xamarin;)) - this is all the more a separate chicken coop, all the more you need to explicitly specify))
if the project is not large , and yet does not contain secret know-how - you can generally lay out the project .. you can on a jit, or in a zip to your favorite file sharing))

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