ASMcoder-Source2021-11-02 19:55:05
C++ / C#
ASMcoder-Source, 2021-11-02 19:55:05

C++ linker error, although if you throw the code into one file it compiles, how to fix it?

In general, I wrote everything in the question, and uploaded the code to github.
I do everything through visual studio. I have zero guesses.



Ошибка	LNK2019	ссылка на неразрешенный внешний символ "public: __thiscall ThreadWorker<void (__cdecl*)(struct ThreadData)>::ThreadWorker<void (__cdecl*)(struct ThreadData)>(int,int,void (__cdecl*)(struct ThreadData))" ([email protected]@@@[email protected]@[email protected]@@@[email protected]) в функции _main.	JUST WORK PLISS	C:\Users\vital\source\repos\JUST WORK PLISS\JUST WORK PLISS\JUST WORK PLISS.obj	1

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3 answer(s)
User700, 2021-11-02

If the class is template, then it must be all in h (or hpp), and connected. Otherwise it won't compile. Those. a separate cpp with the implementation of methods, it simply cannot compile separately, because does not know what class T is, the template parameter is substituted at the compilation stage; and for different T everything is recompiled (so sometimes, for example, instead of passing a function or a functor in the form of superfunc (FUNC&& func), where FUNC is a function or an object with an operator (), you can pass, for example, superfunc (std::function is less than int(int) more func), i.e. make it non-template, but have the overhead of a std::function intermediary, but the machine code will be generated once and will be universal)

KorsaR-ZN, 2015-02-03

Console scripts do not have this limitation.
Use running the script from the console. What is the problem here? and no updates needed.

Alexander Taratin, 2015-02-03

Do not refresh the page - refresh data

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