Mark Kochetkov2020-12-20 16:40:22
C++ / C#
Mark Kochetkov, 2020-12-20 16:40:22

C# Error Invalid expression term ')' how to fix?

I'm making a game in Unity And I got the error " Invalid expression term ' )' "
Here is the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Money : MonoBehaviour{

  private Text txt;
  private int count;

  void Start (){
    txt = GameObject.Find ("Text").GetComponent <TextMeshPro-(UI)> ();

  void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other){
    txt.text = "Ваш счёт: " + count.ToString ();

And please explain how this line of code works in detail:
private Text txt;

void Start (){
  txt = GameObject.Find ("Text").GetComponent <TextMeshPro-(UI)> ();

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2 answer(s)
VitiaKotik, 2020-12-20

Remove brackets in TextMeshPro-(UI), replace with TextMeshPro (depending on which component you want to get).
And it is also strange that you are trying to write an object of the TextMeshPro type into a variable of the Text type
How it works: We are
looking for a GameObject with the name Text, we get the TextMeshPro component from it (or whatever you have) and writes it to the txt variable.

GavriKos, 2020-12-20

But it does not work in any way - you have just an error in it, most likely. Because there is no such class TextMeshPro-(UI).
And in order to understand how it works and how to fix such trivial errors, you first need to learn seasharp, and not just units

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