Alexander Rychkov2020-03-11 04:18:44
Alexander Rychkov, 2020-03-11 04:18:44

C++/CLI Working IMAP using chikkat library?

Good afternoon, we were given the task to make a mail client in C++/CLI. I chose the chilkat library as a solution, as it is very flexible and multifunctional. Implemented the SMTP protocol, but IMAP could not be fully implemented.
I was able to log in to the server and got access to folders with messages, but when I try to display a message or view the list, I always get "true" instead of the sender or in general instead of the message itself. Whatever I tried, I searched through the documentation, but still did not find how to turn "true" into text.

Here is a link to the library documentation:

Here is the code from my project:

    const char* imapC;
    if (comboBox1->SelectedIndex == 1)
      imapC = "imap.mail.ru";
    if (comboBox1->SelectedIndex == 2)
      imapC = "imap.gmail.com";
    if (comboBox1->SelectedIndex == 3)
      imapC = "imap.yandex.ru";

    CkMime mime;		
    /*IntPtr loginS = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(textBox2->Text + "\r\n");
    const char* loginC = (char*)loginS.ToPointer();
    IntPtr passwS = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(textBox3->Text + "\r\n");
    const char* passwC = (char*)passwS.ToPointer();*/
    if (comboBox1->SelectedIndex != 0)

      CkGlobal glob;
      bool success = glob.UnlockBundle("Anything for 30-day trial");
      if (success == true) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Дамп библиотеки загружен" + "\r\n";

      CkImap imap;

      success = imap.Connect(imapC);
      if (success != true) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Не подключился" + "\r\n";
      else {
        textBox4->Text = "Статус: Подключено" + "\r\n";

      success = imap.Login("[email protected]", "password");
      if (success != true) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Неверные данные" + "\r\n";
      else {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Вы авторизовались" + "\r\n";

      success = imap.SelectMailbox("Inbox");
      if (success != true) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Такой папки нет" + "\r\n";
      else {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Выбрана папка - " + "Входящие\r\n\r\n";

      CkMessageSet* messageSet = 0;
      // We can choose to fetch UIDs or sequence numbers.
      bool fetchUids = true;
      // Get the message IDs of all the emails in the mailbox
      messageSet = imap.Search("ALL", fetchUids);
      if (imap.get_LastMethodSuccess() == false) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Ошибка папки" + "\r\n";

      CkEmailBundle* bundle = 0;
      bundle = imap.FetchHeaders(*messageSet);
      if (imap.get_LastMethodSuccess() == false) {
        delete messageSet;
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Ошибка папки" + "\r\n";


      bundle = imap.FetchSequenceHeaders(1, imap.get_NumMessages());
      if (imap.get_LastMethodSuccess() != true) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Ошибка папки c письмами" + "\r\n";

      if (bundle->get_MessageCount() == 0) {
        textBox4->Text += "Статус: Нет сообщений в папке" + "\r\n";
        delete bundle;

      const char *fetchAttachmentString(CkEmail &emailObject, int attachmentIndex, const char *charset);

      textBox4->Text += "Всего писем - " + Convert::ToString(bundle->get_MessageCount()) + "\r\n\r\n";
      int j = 0;
      int numEmails = bundle->get_MessageCount();
      while (j < numEmails) {
        CkEmail* email = bundle->GetEmail(j);
        textBox4->Text += "#" + (j + 1) + "\r\n";
        textBox4->Text += "От кого: ";
        textBox4->Text += Convert::ToString(email->ck_from()) + ". ";
        textBox4->Text += "Тема: ";
        textBox4->Text += Convert::ToString(email->subject()) + "\r\n";
        delete email;
        j = j + 1;

      delete bundle;

      // Disconnect from the IMAP server.
      success = imap.Disconnect();
    else {
      MessageBox::Show("Укажите узел IMAP", "Ошибка");

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