Klaus2011-06-04 16:39:06
Klaus, 2011-06-04 16:39:06

Buy Caanoo for Yandex money?

For quite a long time I looked after myself GPH Caanoo. Looked at reviews, videos, etc. Generally ready to buy.
But it so happened that all my electronic savings are in the Yandex money system. I looked at many options for transferring from currency to currency, but a large percentage scares away.
Please tell me whether it is possible to buy this device for poison somewhere or how best to solve the currency transfer, maybe there are some communities where you can exchange currency.

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2 answer(s)
la0, 2011-06-04

Ask a friend to pay with a card for a small percentage.
Or buy a virtual one. The simplest thing to balance the beeline (http://card.beeline.ru/virt_card.wbp) There are
a lot of virtual cards now.

ipswitch, 2011-06-04

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