Anton Filatov2015-10-05 00:19:22
Data transfer
Anton Filatov, 2015-10-05 00:19:22

Broadcast video and control the robot via WiFi?

Good afternoon.
I am making a small robot, the capabilities of which include video broadcasting and remote control.
Actually, what is the question - what options for organizing the transmission of a video stream and receiving control signals exist, given the fact that the brain of the robot is a microcontroller (AVR)?
What options do I see:

  1. Router + USB camera
  2. IP camera with built-in wifi + wifi module to control the robot (are there IP cameras with the ability to receive data?)
  3. Ready-made modules for such a task, such as this one .

I would like to find the right solution that will not be redundant, expensive, but with the necessary functionality. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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1 answer(s)
Max, 2015-10-05

the actual standard for your task is the MR3020 (or 703) + Logitech C270. There are even ready-made firmware for this case.

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