S0ulReaver2012-08-28 16:58:11
S0ulReaver, 2012-08-28 16:58:11

Broadcast audio from PC to Android?

Faced a small household problem :). In the evenings I can’t listen to loud music / watch movies so as not to wake up the tenants. The conclusion suggests itself - listen to the sound through headphones. In principle, the most logical, but all I have are ordinary 3.5 headphones from a smartphone, with a rather short wire, and the only 3.5 connector is on my system unit, pushed under the table. In other words, it’s normal not to lean back on the couch in front of the monitor xD.

And then the idea came to my mind - is there an application for Android (well, and, accordingly, some kind of server for a PC) that would allow broadcasting audio from a PC, directly to a smartphone, let's say via Wi-FI, so that I can connect headphones to the phone, and enjoy on my couch?)

Some kind of crutch, of course, but maybe someone will tell you what: D.

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9 answer(s)
rgaliull, 2012-08-29

Yesterday I was just looking for a solution.
Tried a few. Often the delay is too long.
I settled on SoundWire. Latency can be reduced by adjusting the buffer size.

ualinker, 2012-08-28

those. the usual five-meter penny mini-jack extension cable - is it too simple?

Mephi1984, 2012-08-28

If I were you, I would use bluetooth headphones and not bother with the server.

Tenn, 2012-08-28

I can't tell you about applications.
You can try to make a radio station on a PC, let's say using Shoutcast, and install Winamp on Android and listen to the station.

netmaniac, 2012-08-28

I used something like linux + MPD + Client for android from the description in the wiki, but I don’t remember which one

miga, 2012-08-28

DLNA, but this will stream all media to the screen and headphones of your android

usefree, 2012-08-28

there is such a thing as twonky.com/ - I used to listen to music stored on a pc from iphone-a.

Cepega, 2012-08-28


Nikolai Vasilchuk, 2012-08-28


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