Serov_V2020-01-31 14:12:05
Serov_V, 2020-01-31 14:12:05

Bot doesn't work when PyCharm is closed and I don't understand what to do?

import telebot
import config
import random
from telebot import types

bot = telebot.TeleBot(config.TOKEN)

def welcome(message):

# Keyboard
markup = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True )
item1 = types.KeyboardButton("Random number")
item2 = types.KeyboardButton("How are you?")

markup.add(item1, item2 )

# Start
bot.send_message(message.chat.id,'Welcome, ' " {0.first_name}!\n I am {1.first_name} ,"' the bot was created to help newbies'.format(message.from_user, bot.get_me()),

def lalala(message):
if message.chat.type == 'private':
if message.text == 'Random number':
bot.send_message(message.chat. id, str(random.randint(0,100)))
elif message.text == 'How are you?':

markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2)
item1 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Good', callback_data = 'good')
item2 = types.InlineKeyboardButton('Not good ', callback_data='bad')

markup.add(item1, item2)

bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Fine, how are you?', reply_markup=markup)
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'I don't know what to say')

@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
def callback_inline(call):
if call.message:
if call.data == ' good':
bot.send_message(call.message.chat.id, 'That's great!')
elif call.data == 'bad':
bot.send_message(call.message.chat.id, 'Sometimes')

bot. edit_message_text(chat_id=call.message.chat.id, message_id=call.message.message_id, text='How are you?',

except Exception as e:


Here is the bot code. But the problem is that the bot doesn't work when my pycharm program is closed

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1 answer(s)
Andrey, 2020-01-31

Hacker in the third generation, not running a bot to complain that it does not work

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