Andrew Chil2015-04-28 12:09:45
Andrew Chil, 2015-04-28 12:09:45

Bootstrap theme for drupal?

Decided to start learning Drupal. Until now, there was no experience with CMS. I more or less figured out the modules, administration, and now I have approached the themeization. I installed the bootstrap theme, made a sub-theme for it, compiled less, everything seems to be written like a book and got stuck on it!
Help please, good people, in the following questions:
1. How to properly adjust the theme to your layout, what files need to be changed, if only css is possible? (preferably in detail)
Knowledge of html and css is normal!
2. Perhaps it is better to start with some other topic, since there was no experience with bootstrap either?
I want to make a small site for a couple of pages and deal with these issues on it.
Please help with this, Google does not give normal answers.
I will be glad to any literature)
Thank you very much in advance!

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3 answer(s)
Nicholas, 2015-04-28

I learned to theme based on video tutorials from site-made.ru/content/temizatsiya-saita-drupal-iz-c...
In principle, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to figure out which files the theme consists of and how it interacts.
The output itself in HTML is generated in *.tpl.php type files in the templates folder (the bottom line is that each type of material can have its own material output template, each region can make its own block output template).
CSS files are included in *.info file, the syntax is quite simple.
When it comes to a subtheme, the output itself is generated by templates from the bootstrap\theme\ folder, but they can be overridden with your own if you copy and change as needed in the bootstrap\subtheme name\templates\ folder
The principle of overlapping, for example, different types of material is described here : drupalfly.ru/lesson/type_node

archelon, 2015-04-28

1. in the bootstrap base theme directory there is a themes subfolder.
look for files with the tpl.php extension there, for example page.tpl.php.
copy to your theme folder, edit.
2. for example, zen .
but in general there are a lot of starting topics, you can spend a lot of time choosing the best option.

afi13, 2015-04-28

Theming in Drupal is a fairly broad subject. I recommend looking at it here . You can include your own css in your subtheme and override almost any templates and theme-functions in it.

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