snater2013-11-06 11:51:34
snater, 2013-11-06 11:51:34

Binding directive model to service data that is loaded asynchronously

I'm trying to bind a custom directive model to the service data. The problem is that when the service data is updated by timeout or in the ajax request callback, the directive model is not updated.

Example: codepen.io/snater/pen/IjvFa

And code:

<div ng-app="asyncServiceTest" ng-controller="testController">

app = angular.module "asyncServiceTest", []

app.directive "bindToService", ["dataService", (dataService) ->
    restrict: "E"
    scope: {}
    template: "<div>{{ test }}</div>"
    link: (scope) ->
        scope.test = dataService.test

app.factory "asyncService", ["dataService", "$timeout", (dataService, $timeout) ->
    load: ->
        dataService.test = "SYNC DATA!"  # Works fine

        $timeout ->
            dataService.test = "ASYNC DATA!" # Doesn't work ((
        , 2000

app.factory "dataService", ->
    test: "Init Data"

app.controller "testController", ["$scope", "asyncService", ($scope, asyncService) ->

Maybe I'm violating some angular concepts and shouldn't work like that? Thank you.

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1 answer(s)
snater, 2013-11-06

Everything became clear. The controller is launched before the directive, and at the time of initialization of the status model, dataService.test already contains the string “SYNC DATA!” (I thought that the binding worked). And the line "ASYNC DATA!" I didn’t write to the model because I tried to bind to a primitive, if dataService.test is an object, everything will work as expected.

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