TechNOIR2020-03-29 14:01:29
TechNOIR, 2020-03-29 14:01:29

bash. How to do without cron and execute several commands every day at 5 am?

Good afternoon.

There is a task to do without cron and execute several commands every day at 5 am using a Bash script.
How can this be done correctly?

In fact, you need to check the time and when it is reached then execute 3 commands.

thanks in advance

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5 answer(s)
Dr. Bacon, 2020-03-29

Hire a person who will get up every day at 4-55 on an alarm clock and run a script, to be sure, hire several.

Sanes, 2020-03-29

Write service. see systemd. In any case, there must be some kind of service. Well, or kick him constantly, outside or in an endless loop.

hint000, 2020-03-29

There is a team at. But, unlike cron, you will have to "set the alarm" every time for 5 o'clock the next day. For example, immediately after executing the given commands, do "automatic winding of the alarm clock".

forestcat, 2020-03-31

Try to dig in the direction of systemd timer.

vascodogama, 2021-01-22

Install airflow or Nifi)

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