Igor Vasiliev2016-12-14 03:15:36
Igor Vasiliev, 2016-12-14 03:15:36

Awareness in email, how to embed your icon?

The question intersects with this topic How to attach your icon to the mail / letter? , there are a lot of email services like Rambler, Yahoo, Mail, Gmail, Bing... etc., and every Internet user prefers his mailbox.
With the "SPAM" problem, I solved the issue. In the header of the letter "from whom" Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter, without special characters and clearly, for example:

"У вас новое сообщение на сайте..."
"Служба доставки НАЗВАНИЕ"
"Rezet Password"

in short, so that everyone understands what kind of letter it is, and what it contains.
Hashed headers, pseudo-cyrillic letters, fraudulent headers, all this is filtered in SPAM, and it is very important to indicate the normal sender's address in the message header.
1) если ваш сайт "name.shop" то почта должна быть соответствующей доменному имени "[email protected]"
2) почта должна быть реальной!!! Проверьте её наличие в спам базах и фильтрах на просторах инета.

If you follow these rules, then the mail will not fall into spam. Checked. As shown in the screenshot below, the letter icons are marked in red and green. You need to configure the option with green highlights:
Doing this ONLY for Yandex, I see no reason. The user can register from another service. I also wanted to know how to get on Wikipedia so that the search engine would show like this:
I would very much like to hear the opinions and recommendations of a specialist in this matter. Get advice on where to go to resolve this issue.
I am going to register my logo with FIPS, so that later it can be safely placed wherever possible. For copyright and related rights, you can contact me, especially if you have a question about the publisher of the book. This will not be discussed here, since this is another topic, and it does not apply to the site toster.ru

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1 answer(s)
Vladimir Dubrovin, 2016-12-14

There are several common options:
1. Add a favicon.ico on your website
2. Register an avatar for the sender address via Gravatar
3. Just for Mail.Ru, register a domain in postmaster.mail.ru and add an icon to https://postmaster. mail.ru/settings/ (may take some time, because the icons are being moderated).

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