ecco12017-02-06 15:40:10
ecco1, 2017-02-06 15:40:10

Average conversion rate "Added to Cart". What is he?

The average conversion in online stores is 1%. That is, out of 100 visitors, 1 usually places an order.
Does anyone have an average of cart additions versus final purchases? That is, how many of 100 visitors typically add an item to their cart.
Please back up your words with a supporting link.

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3 answer(s)
Lander, 2017-02-06

Conversion is a VERY niche thing! So even your 1% can be very different for different niches. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to derive some average indicators for all online stores. And yes, it's stupid...

A1chemist, 2017-02-06

On average, 60% are abandoned carts.

Galina Kuznetsova, 2017-02-08

In my practice (I am engaged in contextual advertising), the conversion on the basket is 1-4%.
strongly depends on the site, the product, the basket itself.
Approximately 50% go to checkout.
That is, the final conversion into purchases is 0.5-2%.
Also, the conversion differs by promotion channels, and from whether it is a new visitor or a repeated appeal.
In addition to the conversion percentage, I would also consider the cost of 1 conversion, maybe the conversion is high, but the price is also high, and vice versa.
Seasonality also has an effect.

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