lightcaster2015-01-14 16:21:46
Artificial intelligence
lightcaster, 2015-01-14 16:21:46

Autonomous robots in Russia: where are the projects?

Google makes a car, Amazon makes autonomous copters for transporting goods. A bunch of companies in Silicon Valley are trying to make agricultural robots, security robots, vacuum cleaners, and the like.
Do we have something similar? Is anyone doing this? Why are there so few projects, what are the pitfalls?
From my (amateurish) point of view, machine learning and AI are now mature enough to start trying.

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4 answer(s)
SHVV, 2015-01-14

Why do we need AI if there is oil, gas and cheap lumps.

Spetros, 2015-01-14

Already tried to develop their cars. Do you know how the stories of Yo-mobile and Marussia Motors ended?
An autonomous robot will be more difficult than a car. And putting together a team is not an easy task either.
We also need good and stable funding.
"Garage" crafts can be assembled. But why?

mamkaololosha, 2015-01-14

Google is a collection of "top" mathematicians and engineers from all over the world.
Amazon is about the same.
> machine learning and AI are well developed
Entry threshold = 10 years of experience + a couple of world-class phds. I wouldn't say "sufficiently developed". This is the same as saying that mechanical engineering is developed enough to make Mercedes. The truth is out of the top 200 mechanical engineer in the world. Barely and. Or mathematics is advanced enough to do everything in the world. But it's developed. Are you ready to study for 10 years + work for 10 years to get at least something worthwhile? To marry at 40 years old to an employee of your own company or from a neighboring office (Brin married at 34)? A successful project in the post-industrial era, when you have to improve the product by 2-3 times in 5-7 years, hints that you will live at work, and not philosophize in a toaster or drink Shevchuk vodka in search of a Russian soul.

RaJa, 2015-03-29

Autonomy is different. For example, we are developing relatively autonomous multicopter systems.

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