Greenback2017-04-06 14:24:12
Greenback, 2017-04-06 14:24:12

Autocorrect “water” to “watered[a]” How do I change the form of verbs in a sentence?

We need to automatically convert sentences like

  • "Trample the sprouts of freedom" to "Trample[a] the sprouts of freedom"
  • "Play the guitar" on "Have played the piano"

If the original sentence does not require transformation, leave it as is.
In which direction to dig? Is there software that can do such transformations in bulk?
PS: A Ruby solution is preferred, but not essential.

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1 answer(s)
Smithson, 2017-04-06

For the Russian language - hardly. This is not functional English or root-isolating Japanese.
Previously, word replacement dictionaries were available for search engines (do - did, does, do, did, did, did, did, did, etc.). But now I could not find such quickly. The most similar that is - dictionaries of synonyms. But that's not it.
In any case, word recognition and its replacement will have to be done by yourself.

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