HamSter2018-07-23 16:37:43
HamSter, 2018-07-23 16:37:43

Authorization form on a Wordpress site?

Tell me, please, how best to carry out authorization on the Wordpress site (form and social networks):
1. Use any ready-made plugins (maybe there are some popular ones)?
2. Or use any standard solutions ?

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2 answer(s)
zorca, 2018-07-23

Theme My Login + WordPress Social Login

Vladimir Druzhaev, 2018-07-24

WordPress Social Login + WP-Recall https://codeseller.ru/products/rcl-wp-social-login/
It will allow you to set up a registration form with the necessary fields, and the second plugin will give
Theme My Login social login, do not use it - they transferred it to paid functionality , cutting off all the necessary chips - they took them out to the monthly fee, which you have to pay once a year. Look at the reviews in the repository - some units went

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