Eugene2016-09-12 06:41:13
Eugene, 2016-09-12 06:41:13

Authorization (Beego/session). How does it work?

I can't figure out how the sessions module works in beego. (

package authSession

import (


var (
 GlobalSessions *session.Manager
 conf           = &session.ManagerConfig{}

func Init() {

 config := `{"cookieName":"gosessionid", "gclifetime":3600, "enableSetCookie":true, "providerConfig":"./tmp"}`

 if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), conf); err != nil {
 fmt.Println("json decode error", err)

 GlobalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("file", conf)
 go GlobalSessions.GC()

Then in main.go
package main

import (
 sess "github.com/ProjectDir/authSession"

 _ "github.com/ProjectDir/routers"

func main() {


router.go routes
package routers

import (


var (
 contr = &controllers.MainController{}

func init() {

 beego.Router("/", contr)
 beego.Router("/login", contr, "get:LoginHandler")
 beego.Router("/login", contr, "post:PostLoginHandler")

Then in the default.go controller
package controllers

import (


 s "github.com/ProjectDir/authSession"

type MainController struct {

func (c *MainController) Get() {

 c.Data["title"] = "Home page"
 c.TplName = "index.html"

func (c *MainController) LoginHandler() {
 c.Data["title"] = "Login"
 c.TplName = "login.html"

func (c *MainController) PostLoginHandler() {

 username := c.GetString("username")
 password := c.GetString("password")
 if username == "" && password == "" {

 sess, err := s.GlobalSessions.SessionStart(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter, c.Ctx.Request)
 if err != nil {
 defer sess.SessionRelease(c.Ctx.ResponseWriter)
 err = sess.Set("username", username)
 err = sess.Set("IsAutorized", true)
 if err != nil {

 c.Data["isAutorized"] = sess.Get("IsAutorized")
 c.Data["title"] = "Login"
 c.TplName = "index.html"
 c.CruSession = sess


There is nothing from session in c.Get()
This is after executing PostLoginHandler
fmt.Printf("%#v\n%#v\n%#v\n%#v\n", sess, username, password, c)
&session.FileSessionStore{sid:"10a706cb14c68b8fac778a0d1df85512", lock:sync.RWMutex{w:sync.Mutex{state:0, sema:0x0}, writerSem:0x0, readerSem:0x0, readerCount:0, readerWait:0}, values:map[interface {}]interface {}{"username":"1", "IsAutorized":true}}
&controllers.MainController{Controller:beego.Controller{Ctx:(*context.Context)(0xc420184b10), Data:map[interface {}]interface {}{"RouterPattern":"/login", "isAutorized":true, "title":"Login"}, controllerName:"MainController", actionName:"PostLoginHandler", methodMapping:map[string]func(){}, gotofunc:"", AppController:(*controllers.MainController)(0xc420304620), TplName:"index.html", Layout:"", LayoutSections:map[string]string(nil), TplPrefix:"", TplExt:"tpl", EnableRender:true, _xsrfToken:"", XSRFExpire:0, EnableXSRF:true, CruSession:(*session.FileSessionStore)(0xc42039c870)}}

And this is on any other page
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", c)
&controllers.MainController{Controller:beego.Controller{Ctx:(*context.Context)(0xc4202a3170), Data:map[interface {}]interface {}{"RouterPattern":"/"}, controllerName:"MainController", actionName:"GET", methodMapping:map[string]func(){}, gotofunc:"", AppController:(*controllers.MainController)(0xc4200dd340), TplName:"", Layout:"", LayoutSections:map[string]string(nil), TplPrefix:"", TplExt:"tpl", EnableRender:true, _xsrfToken:"", XSRFExpire:0, EnableXSRF:true, CruSession:session.Store(nil)}}

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1 answer(s)
Chronic 86, 2016-09-12

It's a little unclear what you want to see in your files when you use a third party library?
If you want to see how it all works under the hood, go to github, open the source and read (for example , https://github.com/astaxie/beego/blob/master/sessi...
Or is it a rhetorical question from the category You explain to me on your fingers I'm too lazy to read someone else's code.

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