Eugene Proselyte2013-12-24 11:35:33
Eugene Proselyte, 2013-12-24 11:35:33

ASP.NET or PHP? Or what is more promising to study as a web developer?

First of all, thanks to everyone who gives helpful answers to questions. You are very helpful, for which I am extremely grateful.
And now I am faced with a dilemma.
What is better and more promising to study for a web developer (asp.net or php)?
There is a lot of controversy on the net about this, so it is interesting to know the opinion of people who are professionally engaged in web development.
Thanks to

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4 answer(s)
Vitaly Arkhipov, 2013-12-24

With PHP it will be clearly easier to find a job, and the entry threshold is lower.
True, the choice is strange, in web development there are not 2 languages ​​:-)

Sergey, 2013-12-24
Protko @Fesor

that's why every time you ask such stupid questions ... you can also search and read ...
At the moment, both php and ASP.NET MVC are promising, choose what you like more. PHP has a lower entry threshold, so it's easier to get started. But if you take Symfony2 as the main framework for example, then the subsequent transition to ASP.NET MVC will not cause you any problems.
And vice versa, if you first learn C# + ASP.NET MVC, in which case the transition to php will not be such a hard thing.

link0802, 2013-12-25

Just learn the basics of programming, based on languages ​​such as Pascal, C++, Delphi(==object Pascal). Take a course, read a book, use your favorite online resource.
Then learning a new language will not be a problem at all, the main thing is that we understand. And then you will try and you will know what is closer to the soul). Good luck!
PS for example, if you already know how to program, then with the help of www.codecademy.com you can very quickly understand the basics, "join the process".

Zhandos M, 2013-12-24

And who thinks about Groovy and Grails?

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