andruxin2011-05-05 10:12:47
andruxin, 2011-05-05 10:12:47

Array of MS Word document fragments?

doing so

Dim MyDataObj(2) As Object<br/>
 Set actDoc = ActiveWindow<br/>
 Set ddc2 = Documents.Open(&quot;C:\1.doc&quot;) ', Visible:=False<br/>
 Set secDoc = ddc2.ActiveWindow<br/>
 secDoc.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=&quot;fakt5&quot;<br/>
 Set MyDataObj(0) = secDoc.Selection<br/>
 secDoc.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=&quot;fakt6&quot;<br/>
 Set MyDataObj(1) = secDoc.Selection<br/>
 actDoc.Selection = MyDataObj(1)<br/>

the point is to make an array of pieces of document text that contains tables with formatting. and then insert the selected elements of the array. and in this option only text is inserted. no matter how I figure out what types of data are created where.

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