Oklick2016-09-04 21:39:17
Zend Framework
Oklick, 2016-09-04 21:39:17

Are there ready-made libraries for Zend Framework 2 that implement user authorization through social networks?

Good time.
When creating the site, it became necessary to authorize users not only through their own registration and authorization form, but also through social networks. I rummaged through the Internet, but I did not find ready-made solutions for ZF2 (however, I very much doubt that they really do not exist).
Maybe there is such a library, but I didn’t search well? Or tell me a ready-made solution that can be easily and quickly rewritten under ZF2.
From the social networks are needed:

  • In contact with
  • Classmates
  • Facebook
  • Mail.ru
  • Yandex
  • Google
  • Twitter

Thanks in advance.

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1 answer(s)
iBird Rose, 2016-09-04

and why uLogin does not suit you?

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