masterdrew2015-04-10 16:06:47
Payment systems
masterdrew, 2015-04-10 16:06:47

Are there ready-made free payment solutions in php for web services with paid access to subscription features?

The task is to organize a system of access to individual functions and data of a web service through a paid subscription.
The web service engine is self-written in php.
Are there ready-made and free solutions, apis or frameworks that solve the following tasks:
- keeping records of the user's personal account (receipts and write-offs)
- setting up various subscription options with different validity periods and a set of provided functions
- placing an order for one or another subscription option
- payment for a subscription by the user (with the ability to connect third-party payment systems, for example, Yandex Checkout), respectively, with sending payment data and receiving a response from third-party payment systems
- payment through the administration panel (for cases where payment was made in cash or through non-automated systems)
- cancellation of a subscription with a refund
- exchange of subscriptions
- display of data on the current subscription option
- display of data on all payments of one or all users
- automatic debiting of funds and invoicing for user fees.
In other words, all those functions and features that allow you to organize paid access to the service by subscription.
Perhaps we searched badly, but at the moment we could not find anything sane.
If there are such solutions, how do they work and where can they be found?

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