This_is_MonoliT2022-02-22 23:10:46
Database design
This_is_MonoliT, 2022-02-22 23:10:46

Are there local databases with multithreading support?

A project where STRICTLY local databases are used, but multithreading support is required. Are there local databases with multithreading support?

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4 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2022-02-22


Saboteur, 2022-02-22

what is "local db"?
Why didn't mysql fit?

rPman, 2022-02-23

What does multithreading support mean?
in sqlite tags, here's support for you , though the mode is turned on / off only at the stage of library compilation and in fact this is synchronization when working with instances of the database object from different threads (and this is overhead)
ps if we are talking about acceleration due to multithreading - I'm not sure that existing databases can take up several processor cores to process one request

Konstantin Tsvetkov, 2022-02-23

SQL Server Express LocalDB . Up to 4 cores.

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