tatarrr952021-07-24 20:03:56
Google Apps Script
tatarrr95, 2021-07-24 20:03:56

Are there examples of amo crm API integration via google scripts?

I want data from forms on the site and other services to fly to amocrm via google scripts. That is, google scripts catches post requests, stores tokens in google tables and sends post requests to amo.
Someone must have done this already, but I can't find it. Maybe someone has examples of such integration?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ivanov, 2021-07-28

The main problem is authorization and batch calls, working with the cache and storing high-quality proxy objects. But you can get by with little blood and solve only authorization.
I like this article Google Apps Script Authorization in AmoCRM . It seemed to me that the author was a little out of touch with Apps Script, but this did not stop him from implementing high-quality code.
Personally, I use my own library.

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